Dispatch from San Francisco

We're thrilled for San Francisco artist, Tiffanie Turner (who's beautiful work we featured here on the blog last summer), for her show happening next month (May 2 - 28/14) at Rare Device in San Francisco. Tiffanie sent us an email yesterday about the show, Heads, "a collection of giant blossoms in paper, exploring the organized chaos and rhythms of nature, as well as exhibiting the feats of strength required to complete these large scale works". So cool to see her work blossoming, which also includes being featured in the SF Chronicle soon.

Opening Reception for the show happens May 9 — from 6-8pm at Rare Device, 600 Divisadero Street San Francisco, CA. Click here for more info.

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, I would love to have this flower hanging in my hall way. x

Jan Halvarson said...

Toni-Louise - me too!

Tiffanie said...

Thank you so very much, Jan! So wonderful to be on Poppytalk again. You're the best! xo