Update Announcement | Our Poppytalk Retail + Workshop Space!

If you were around this past weekend, you may have noticed our instagram revealing our newest venture, bringing our online world into the real world! We're super excited about this next and what seems like a natural progression of our Poppytalk world.  Our new shop and workshop space, called Poppytalk will open it's doors early May where we will continue to support the handmade community with a curated selection of local and internationally-made goods from some of our favorite makers we have come to know these past 9 years online.  We also will be carrying a bit of vintage (to fulfill that bit of retro addiction) along with the odd guitar or two!

Along with the retail component, we will also be hosting an ever-changing selection of workshops from DIY + crafting workshops (think weaving, terrariums, embroidery etc.) to small business classes (from photoshop courses to blogging and social networking sessions).  With Earl's experience as a new media instructor at BCIT (e.g. photoshop, illustrator, html, apps), along with our experience running a blog and online business for the past 9 years, we plan to share our thoughts, tips and strategies for those interested, along with bringing in master makers to teach us how to make some amazing things!

Stay tuned for our brick and mortar opening date and online store site where we will be announcing workshops, (along with an online shop)!Our new address is 109 East Broadway (at Main), Vancouver, B.C.

Can't wait to meet you all!

Jan and Earl

Jan Halvarson


Lady Grey said...

this is so exciting! I wish I lived in Vancouver!
Coincidentally, I will be in Vancouver the first week of May for a wedding, so if the store is open by then I will definitely pop in and say hello :)

Unknown said...

that is awesome news! I like the floors. I imagine it will be fun to decorate!

Unknown said...

Wonderful news congratulations! can not wait to visit. Love that you will also be hosting workshops

Ariadne said...

Congratulations! You have hosted and introduced to us so many artists all these years on your blog it was about time you gave them space in the real world too!AriadnefromGreece!

Renée Anne Bouffard-McManus said...

Congrats! So awesome! This is going to be such a cool space and now I have another reason to want to visit Vancouver. I can't wait to see what you do with it! Love the floors too.

Pinecone Camp said...

It's about time! Welcome to the neighbourhood J & E! I have to pop by for a peek ;)

Jan Halvarson said...

Vanessa! Hope we are open when you are here - we are crossing our fingers for the first week! It would be so cool to meet you!

Annette - it is fun and also a challenge!

Annette, thanks!

Ariadne - thanks - maybe you'll visit?

Renee! - That would be cool to see you here also!

Janis - thanks neighbor! and yes looking forward to showing you the space!

Erin said...

Yay! That's exciting, can't wait to stop by once you've opened.

and then again said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to check it out and take a workshop or three ;)

elm said...

I've been waiting for something like this in Vancouver and I honestly cannot wait til this shop opens!!! So excited!!!

Michelle P said...

Congratulations Jan & Earl! How exciting, I will definitely pop in and say hello next time I'm in Vancouver!

Evie's Tool Emporium said...

Congrats on your new adventure!

Susan - said...

So exciting! I'm just south of you on Bainbridge Island, WA. I'll be stopping by this summer when I'm in Vancouver.

Meesh @ I Dream of Chairs said...

So exciting! I can't wait to visit! Super big congrats to you both!

dahlhaus said...

Congrats! Looks like the perfect place and I'm looking forward to stopping by lots!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear what your workshops and DIY's will be! Congratulations!

alicia carvalho said...

That is so exciting! I can't wait to come shopping at your new store and attend the workshops!

materfamilias said...

Yay! My daughter lives 3 blocks from your new store, so I know I'll be checking it out soon. Congratulations on the new (expanded) venture!

Wolfie and the Sneak said...

That is such fantastic news! I'll have to take a trip to visit in person! (Don't I wish!?)

gabricci said...

Congratulations. What a great progression and how lucky are those who will be able to visit your shop and attend your workshops and courses.

Unknown said...

WOW - awesome! All good things happening for you. Love it! Can't wait to check out the space.

amy - fieldtrip said...

congrats jan and earl! such exciting news - can't wait to see the new space :)

- amy (field trip)

Victoria said...

I just arrived back to Vancouver from California,
and was commenting about how we need more of an art community in Vancouver!
I love your blog and can't wait to meet you in person.
So excited about your workshops!
Best of luck in your new venture.

Jan Halvarson said...

Erin - We're looking forward to finally meeting some of our readers

Amanda - Great, I look forward to meeting you.

Elm - Yay!

Michelle P - Thank you!

Evie's Tool Emporium - thank you!

Susan - Oh cool! That would be great to see you!

Meesh - Thank you so much! Hope to see you soon.

Dahlhaus - Thank you Heather - can't wait to show you!

Leanna - thanks!

Alicia - it will be cool to meet you also!

Materfamilias - Yay!

Wolfie and the Sneak - Renee - that would be amazing!

Gabricci - Thank you!

Miranda - thank you so much! I look forward to seeing you soon!

Amy - thanks!

Vicki - Oh so glad to hear - we hope to see and meet you then soon!

Unknown said...

That's exciting news - cant wait to drop by!

Barbara Matson said...

YAY! Congrats!

Unknown said...

That is super exciting news. I'll be sending all my Vancouver peeps down to the shop!!! Great luck :)

Malia said...

Bummed I moved away before you guys were able to do this! Just another reason to come back to visit, I suppose.
I can't quite picture the address--is that the old Mr. Lee's space?

Coco Cake Land said...

jan i am SO STOKED for this! hooray, hooray! such happy news and so well deserved for such a hard working and talented couple. can't wait to visit! xo

Lemonni said...

Wow congrats, Jan!
I will pay you a visit for sure when you open!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trisha Brink Design said...

Oh so exciting! Can't wait to sneak across the 49th parallel to come take a look! Congrats & best wishes!!!

Caitlin said...

This is so incredible, Jan! So excited for you two!
Hopefully I'll be able to visit one day! :)

Rosa @ Flutter Flutter said...

I can't wait to see how it all comes together Jan! :)

Nicole said...

So excited for you guys! I'm looking forward to attending workshops and shopping! I might become a regular considering it's just steps from my home :)

Nicole said...

Congrats Jan and Earl! Enjoy the process of making it your own space!
I really look forward to attending workshops and shopping, just steps away from my home too!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Jan and Earl! I couldn't be more excited for you... and excited for me since I live in Vancouver and can come and check it out!

Best Wishes,

Crystal (From Sew Creative and Raincoast Books)

Unknown said...

So exciting! Congratulations!!

Jan Halvarson said...

Thank you everyone for all your kind words!

Anonymous said...

This is terrific, congratulations Can't wait to visit your store, and perhaps participate in a work shop.

Christine on Gabriola Island.

Unknown said...

Super exciting Jan - congratulations to you both!

Tracey Ayton Photography said...

So happy for you J! I cannot wait to see it !!!

Unknown said...

Congrats! What an exciting new venture. Going to have to plan a trip to Vancouver sometime soon...
