Simple Peppermint Chocolate Ice Cream

The day of green is marching upon us - for those of you who don't like glugging galons of green tinted beer and doing shots of irish cream at a crowded, sticky-floored bar, why not celebrate St.Patrick's Day with a bowlful of minty cool ice cream instead? This ice cream is a peppermint breeze to make - you only need a few ingredients... and an ice cream maker would help! They're well worth the investment, especially if you're a one-pint-a-week ice cream eater like myself.

You Will Need:

1 cup of 3.25% milk
2 cups of heavy cream (33% milk fat)
1 300ml can of sweetened condensed milk
3 teaspoons pure peppermint extract
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
tiny amount of green food colouring
A high quality chocolate bar - I used Lindt brand (100 grams).

Make It

1. In a medium bowl, whisk to combine the milk, cream, condensed milk, peppermint extract, salt and food colouring.
2. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and chill in freezer for 20 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, chop up the dark chocolate into shards using a heavy knife.
4. When your ice cream mixture is good and cold, pour it into the ice cream maker bowl and mix according to ice cream maker instructions. I churned mine for about 25 minutes.
5. Once ice cream is churned, fold the dark chocolate into the ice cream.
6. Enjoy your ice cream immediately - or, pour ice cream into an airtight container to freeze for later power-snacking.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, ice cream lovers!

Meet The Contributor
Lyn­d­say Sung is a baker and blog­ger at Coco Cake Land. She loves super cute cakes, sweet design and snacks. She lives in Van­cou­ver, Canada with her hus­band and tod­dler son.

Jan Halvarson


Shutterbug said...

Yum! This mint chocolate chip ice cream is the perfect way to celebrate St.Patty's Day or any other day!

Shutterbug said...
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Amy said...

Yum, I love mint ice cream! This version looks simply divine. :)

Unknown said... chocolate is my favorite flavor. I have to try this!


Coco Cake Land said...

@shutterbug - thank you!

@amy - thanks so much!

@anna - hooray!

i'm pretty stoked on how many people love this flavour combo! xo

Nina B. said...

Oh, man. YUM. I am doing the green smoothie thing right now but not this kind of green smoothie and I wish it was.

Tracey Ayton Photography said...

OH MY MY MY MY. So yummy and those pictures are wonderful. Love your new banner Jan, looks so pretty and spring like!

Jan Halvarson said...

Thanks Tracey! Hope you are well!

Coco Cake Land said...

@nina - green smoothie! mmm i love smoothies... haha, maybe treat yourself to a minty green smoothie just this once... :)

@tracey - thank you! ^__^

Unknown said...

Loved your beautiful designs of spring its really so beautiful and refreshing. Thanks for sharing here.

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