Fall Colors Week | Monday is Golden

Welcome to Fall Colors Week!  Yes if you missed it, yesterday we announced a flash fall colors week basically - and monday's color is golden.  If you wish to join in, upload the daily color (guide below) on your instagram account, make sure they are your most beautiful fall colors, tag them #fallcolors2013 and share away!  Everyday as in seasons past I will gather your beautiful colors and do a round-up both here on the blog, our instagram and on Pinterest!  Here's the info:

Fall Color Week Guide
Monday is golden
Tuesday is red
Wednesday is brown
Thursday is grey
Friday is blue (what was I thinking)? orange
Wait until 4pm (Pacific time) to upload the next day's color to ensure for a beautiful #fallcolors2013 feed on instagram! Here's a few that have uploaded for Monday (and we'll be back later in the day with a round-up)!




Jan Halvarson


Lady Grey said...

I always love your colors weeks so much. They always inspires me to take more pictures and look for colours in unexpected places : )
All the photos on instagram are gorgeous!

Tracey Ayton Photography said...

I'm just loving all of these colors ....... with all of this crisp cold air and sunshine, the leaves are amazing!!!!!

Rosa @ Flutter Flutter said...

Jan, these pics are LOVELY!!! Can't wait to join in tomorrow! :)

Jan Halvarson said...

Lady Grey - thanks for joining in, i love seeing all the beautiful fall foliage from back east

Tracey - I hope you'll join us!

Rosa - thanks - can't wait to see!

Boo21's Mom said...

I love your color weeks! So glad you are doing it again this Fall. It's especially nice when you choose one or two of my submissions! Thanks for the fun,

Kristin said...

Such a cheerful post. Makes me smile and excited for fall.