Things couldn't be any cuter than they are right at the moment with the newly launched Projecteo, a tiny projector that lets you bring your favorite Instagrams to life. One connects their Instagram account to the Projecteo website, and they then develop your shots on 35mm film. Both the projector and the wheel of images (which kind of look like Oreo cookies) will arrive together in the mail. It’s a responsive website, meaning you are able to order wheels and Projecteos pretty much from any smart device connected to the web. I'm already thinking instagram projector party, aren't you? Like they say, some of the best things, come in small packages! Click here for more info. (Via Lost at E Minor via Inside Out Magazine).
that is absolutely ADORABLE!
The little picture wheels look like Oreo cookies - I would be afraid of mine ending up with teeth marks in them. :D
Yeah I'm wanting one of these, cuuute!
This is too adorable. I can just see the Instagram parties breaking out all over the place!
This is too adorable. But somehow I still wish I was shooting on slide film though. Or any film for that matter. I miss you Kodak!
Alex from
Wow, this is so cool!
Wow, so nice. Wish to have the projector.
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THIS IS AMAZING. one of those things that it was only a matter of time before someone came up with it.
That is so cute. And its portable so you can carry it around with you. Awesome!! I can think of so many uses for that.
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