Dispatches from Spain: Nuria Mora New Work

I always go back to Nuria Mora's work, the colours, patterns and the way she works inspires me. So today I found out she's having a new exhibition at the Delimbo Gallery in Seville, Spain starting May 2nd called "Punto Volado". The exhibition will present more than 15 new works, including drawings, paintings, sculpture and an installation which she produced in collaboration with Architectural Digest (AD).  Read more about the exhibition here (in Spanish).

Also noteworthy, Nuria has also recently produced a series of wallpapers for Bloom papers (sample below). Lots of bright coloured florals and patterns for spring!

Jan Halvarson


| Harmony and design | said...

Fantástico descubrimiento.

Petit-on said...

Amazing! Ole for Nuria Mora :)
Lover her wallpapers.
kisses from Spain