Hotel Style : Fellah Hotel

Located near the Atlas Mountains just outside of Marrakesh, the Fellah Hotel is a mix between traditional contemporary Moroccan and a little bit of vintage seventies. From the luxury of Berber rugs to Eames chairs, the hotel owned by two Parisians, Houria Hafoufou and Redha Moali boasts ten villas (850 square meters each), 69 personalized rooms and a private pool built on 11 hectares of land. The compound also hosts an artists' residence Dar Al-Mamoun, which includes a beautiful multilingual library, a research center in literary translation, and other cultural extracurricular activities. Let's take a look!

The Fellah Hotel is located at km13 route de l'Ourika, Tassoultante – 40 000 Marrakesh – Morocco. (Photo credits 1, 2, and 6 Architectural Digest magazine n°110 - July-August 2012 - Photos by Matthieu Salvaing. All other photo's from Via Turbulences Deco.

Jan Halvarson


Meine Dinge Franka said...


Happy Easter!

♥ Franka

ynas-design said...

What a wonderful Place to stay. I was in Marrakesh in January. But of course not in such a beautiful Hotel :)

Mary said...

That looks amazing! I want to go there!


Dhebby said...

that. is. amazing. dying to go there.

Sneha said...


Lady Grey said...

Oh my goodness! I want to go back to Morocco JUST to stay at this hotel! It looks incredible : )