Dispatches from France: Maison & Objet

Always fun to catch up with all the images popping up on instagram and blogs of the design shows happening this time of year, I ran into this above image from Bodie and Fou who has a nice report on her favorites at the Maison & Objet this year on her blog – gorgeous mirrors from GUBI. See more from the show in her Part 1 post on her blog here and on her instagram here.

Jan Halvarson

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Melanie said...

I can't tell you how many embroidery hoops my mom has lying around and I never thought of making a mirror/photo frame like this!! Awesome!!

Ergo - Blog

Mercedes said...

hum very good idea these mirrors! i lately got a round traffic mirror, those ones wich are a bit bounded so you can see the traffic coming from various sides, maybe i´ll do something like this with my new mirror!