Weekend Project + Sunday Reading

Need a weekend project? This video is from way back - but so worth the reblog don't you think? Hello giganto blanket! Don't you want one? (the tutorial and pattern is available on Etsy). Below your happy sunday reading links! Happy (extra hour) long weekend!

1. Did you know these colors existed? (via Skeletales)
2. The giganto blanket
3. Origami bows how-to
4. Faceted Vase DIY
5. A nice watch
6. Use foil tape (Home Depot) to make a wall design.
7. Coconut Lemon Banana Bread
8. Just a nice combo (copper, grey, black and white).

Jan Halvarson


    Lady Grey said...

    I really wish I knew how to knit so I could try making a giganto-scarf!

    Anonymous said...

    That giganto blanket looks so comfortable!


    Brittany_Va-VoomVintage said...

    I need to make one of those blankets for the couch! My kids adore big, fluffy blankets...maybe I should make one for each of them too, so I can have my own :)

    Anonymous said...

    That blanket is fantastic!!!

    Anne Lien said...

    Haha wow it's huge! Never knew you could knit on that scale..
    Think I'm gonna finish my knitted scarf project this weekend, that's big enough for me :)

    Nomadic D. said...

    Ha! That giganto blanket is awesome. I can only imagine how heavy it would be on the needles though. Good way to build deltoid strength?


    Sabine said...

    That is such a fantastic idea and it looks like a lot of fun.

    Shannon said...

    That giganto blanket is ridiculous! I love it!

    nicedaydesigns said...

    I want that blanket but I'm just not that dedicated, she must have had arms of steel by the end of it!

    Erica said...

    That blanket is insane!! Wow... where do you find yarn that big?? How many sheep does that take?? lol!