Weekend Project: Pumpkin Diorama

We woke up this morning to find out some pranksters had stolen our 4 pumpkins outside on our doorstep last night that we were going to carve this weekend.  Who would've thought?  Anyway, off I am to buy some more and how fitting to run into this pumpkin just before I head out. (Maybe I should go buy a funkin (faux pumpkin) as I absolutely LOVE this pumpkin diorama I came across over at The Art of Doing Stuff (I think it might be my favorite one this year).  It's so fun! I think what makes it are all is the lights inside - so inviting no matter how scary the scene.  And as Karen mentions, you could create any scene you want (scary, kid-friendly, thematic). Also she used a foam pumpkin - which makes the whole process that much easier. Click HERE to get her how-to tips!  Happy Pumpkin making!

Jan Halvarson


Melody Sage said...

This is my favorite pumpkin idea for this year, so awesome!

kara rane said...

endless possibilities*!

Allison said...

so good

The Art of Doing Stuff said...

Thanks for the mention! I'm pretty in love with my pumpkin too, LOL. ~ karen

Pinecone Camp said...

I've never been a real halloween person, but I love the pumpkin! I can't believe someone stole yours. Humans can be strange ;)

Jane said...

wow! that's some pumpkin!
Sorry to hear of your stolen punpkins :(

Ell said...

What a brilliant idea. I'm trying this next year for sue (got a backlog of halloween projects for this year already!).

Sarade said...

Nice idea to use a foam pumpkin and reuse it year after year!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!!

Papus Eddyah said...

this is one hell of a cool idea!

Stephanie @ henry happened said...

this is stunning! love the effect of that crow too!