Announcement + 8 Easy DIY Projects

Symon Chow via Instructables
Folks! I'm excited to announce I'm now also writing for Wired – my first official post went up today!  I'll be writing once a week on tech-related DIY's!  Hopefully doing MacGyver proud, I'll be bringing some fun (yet not too geeky) DIY's to you that'll make you wish you thought of that!  Click here to see my first post and here to bookmark for the future!

Jan Halvarson


Unknown said...

Congratulations! that's wonderful! xo

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Jan! Looking forward to seeing what you find to share :)

Marisa Seguin said...

Cool! Congratulations Jan, can't wait to read more!

Jill V. / TerraSavvy said...

That's wonderful Jan! I'm one of those geeky techie people and look forward to your spin on things!

Glad to see you now even MORE around the web!

rachel faucett said...

Congratulations, they certainly have excellent taste!