Summer Colours Week '12 Announcement!

 Aboubakar Fofana - textiles - 2008/09

This week is managing to fly by again (is this happening to you too)?  Can't seem to keep up!  So okay - it looks like summer colours week is a go for next week (June 25 - 29/12) up on flickr - YAY! Monday we'll be kicking off our 3rd Annual Summer Colour Week! Please join us in celebrating summer by participating in the fun! It's super-easy! Upload the colour of the day to our Summer Colours 2012 Week Flickr Group and we'll pick highlights of the day to post on the blog's evening post. I've also created a special Pinterest board this year highlighting our favourites!

The schedule is as follows:
June 25, Monday - Green
June 26, Tuesday - Yellow
June 27, Wednesday - Pink
June 28, Thursday -Red
 June 29, Friday - Blue

Guidelines: Upload your images to our Summer 2012 Colours Week Flickr Pool. New images preferred, not something already posted to any of our other colour pools in the past. Images don't need to be actually taken that day, just something summer-themed (like stawberries, skies,  beaches,  water, etc.) Keep on track with the assigned colour of the day. Eg; Monday upload yellow colours only until 6pm Pacific, when you can then start to upload Tuesday's colour, etc. We would prefer to keep product pictures out of the pool. Please upload your "best" only. Let's make this a beautiful pool for us all to be inspired by! Be sure to tell your friends and most importantly have fun!  -Jan

Jan Halvarson


jodi said...


Pati said...

Yaa...can't wait to see all the creative pictures. Also gets me out and taking pics:)

Margie Oomen said...

i am going camping on lake huron this weekend and will definitely be on the lookout for summer colours:)
thank you so much jan for organizing this again

Anonymous said...

Exciting! Can't wait to see everyone's pics.

Such a fab idea Jan.

Hilda Vanessa Ramos said...

I always enjoy your color weeks. i'll be adding some photos to the pool :)

Lisa Gutierrez said...

Yay! I LOVE Poppytalk colour weeks!

glòria said...

Hi from Spain in Europe! I have just found found about this great idea of yours and I'd love to take part. I have actually just uploaded my 'green' image to your Flrick group. However I am not sure about time. How does 6pm PaAcific time relate to my time zone? Can you help me there? Thanks!

Pinecone Camp said...

I always love your "colours weeks"! I hope to add to the collection this week.