Colour Week Finale

A little snippet of the beauty you all made this past week for Summer Colours Week.  Thanks again to everyone who participated –it was so inspiring!  Click here to see more. Happy Friday!

Jan Halvarson

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Margie Oomen said...

summer has never looked so good as in this 2012 colour collection. Thanks so much for a fantastic week. Happy Canada day weekend!!!

Boo21's Mom said...

It was so much fun, Jan! Thank you! I'll bet color week is a LOT of work for you. Still, I hope you do it again this Fall. Melissa

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for hosting this! I loved seeing all of the gorgeous colors and photos.
- Julee

Heidi said...

Wow. That is beautiful! I love the outcome, but was imagining myself trying to organize all those photos, and get just the right gradients, and being a bit perfectionistic... Then I thought - I'm really glad you did it! :)

Ali said...

That was fun to join in with - I'd been a little lazy with my camera and you spurred me on to pick it up again. Thanks.

Madeline said...

I've had a great time taking part and browsing through all the gorgeous photos on flickr, even making a summer colours treasury on etsy! It's been a ray of sunshine in this otherwise stormy week in the UK.
Thank you!

Carol and co said...

Thanks to you!!!! a fabulous idea!!! That was really fun to make it and to see the wonderful pool colours!! Bizzzz from France ;)

ynas-design said...

Fantastic Color Combi. Much fun to look at the pics. Pure Summer feeling.

Cally said...

Thanks Jan, everyone's contributed such amazing photos; it's made an amazing pool!

Vintage Home said...

Seamless summer colour!

Sonia / COZY MEMORIES said...

It's been a beautiful colorful week, thanks to your always awaited colours week ! Looking forward to the autumn edition ! Happy Summer Poppytalk ! And thanks again ! ox

Kathleen Maunder said...

I was so thrilled to see three of my photos in the final finale. Your Summer Colours Week included so many beautiful photos by so many talented people. A real treat for the eyes and heart. Thank you.

Captain Nick Sparrow said...

Thank you for hosting!