DIY Vintage Film: 8mm Vintage Camera App for iPhone

How excited are we to hear about this 8mm Vintage Camera app?  Can't tell you how much! Eep!  We are owners of a real old 8mm camera that we used to have fun playing with but haven't touched in years due to the difficulty in getting film and processing it (let alone editing it).  So, totally stoked to try this thing out ourselves!  According to it's makers "By mixing and matching films and lenses, you can recreate the atmosphere of those bygone eras with 56 timeless retro looks. Dust & scratches, retro colors, flickering, light leaks, frame jitters - all can be instantly added with a single tap or swipe".  Neato!  (Via Fossil Blog).

Jan Halvarson


KitschyHippo said...

Just bought it; can't wait to give it a try!

Lillian Rachel Essentials said...

Oooh, I wish it was for droid too!

sweet harvest moon said...

it's my favorite app after instagram!

Sylvia-Louise said...

I've had this app since I first got my iPhone. I LOVE it. So much fun!

spiral style said...

Thanks for sharing. I just bought it. Looks great and can't wait to try.

Fondly, I said...

What a great idea! I also own a vintage 8mm camera and the whole process - in this day and age - my gosh what a headache!
Smart thinking here, can't wait to test it out. ^-^