➸Well, it's here, the long awaited special edition of
domino "quick fixes"! I saw it by happenstance today at the book store and couldn't wait to get home and curl up on my couch and visit my long lost friend. Filled with substantial tips and ideas on quick fixes, I love the layout which is
clean, well thought out and easy to navigate. My only wish would be that there were more dynamic images and new ideas.
Maybe I've become a bit jaded or am I visually
over-stimulated –blame
Whatever the case there was a lot of good decorating
tips - something missing in a lot of the current publications out there
(but not anything I haven't seen before) and to be honest I felt like
there was just something missing (the front cover sort of sets the tone
that way).
Don't get me wrong though, there's a few gems in there (like the immediate image below), and I
like having it back and am glad that Condé Nast is giving it another go,
I'm just crossing my fingers for their September issue so
that I can once again enjoy my old long lost friend that I remember.
My favourite image - idea for a radiator shelf. |
A couple nice flooring ideas |
Metro Shelving |
I heard parrots were the next big thing - maybe this is one of the first signs? |
I totally agree with you!!!
What is missing? I was standing at the newsstand the other day and after flipping thru every decor and fashion mag there, the words that flew under my breath, BORING...SIGH
Back in the day I couldn't wait for new magazine day, I would cash my paycheck and head directly to the bookstore and spend a fortune.
I really, really miss those days.
I would keep those magazines forever as inspiration called.
Now, I flip and toss it away~recycling bin of course ;)
I hope we will get it here in Australia ;o)
Tania @ Scandi Coast Home
I love domino, I still have the old ones, hope we will get it here in Puerto Rico. Have a great day!.
Jan, I had the exact same reaction! I was expecting it to be all new content, not a 'best of' old content. Still loved it, but hoping for more in September.
Hi Jan, I couldn't agree with you more.
It's pretty hard for a magazine to compete with Pinterest. I love magazines and I don't particularly like Pinterest - I think it's creating a culture of 'quantity over quality' in design. It doesn't really encourage one to nurture their own design sense - it's really just a constant bombardment of images in a 'one stop shopping' environment.
I guess magazines are going to have to publish faster, in this new age of digital design stimulation - to keep up with the speed of Pinterest. And also editors will become curators.
Interesting times in the publishing industry. I hope that Domino reads all the reviews and steps it up a bit.
Abbey - I failed to mention that - but so true - I don't like when magazines do that with special issues. You feel ripped off a bit.
Fiona - I couldn't agree with you more - it is interesting times, and rather lacklustre because of it. I do hope they step it up a bit.
Interesting! I'm so curious to look through the new magazine now. I picked it up over the weekend but haven't had a spare moment to really sit down and peruse it yet. Thanks for your honest opinion!
Okay, I'm out of the loop! I live in a small town and the issue isn't here yet. *sniff* Would you expound on the phrase "crossing my fingers for their September issue"? Dare I hope that Domino is coming back on a a bi-annual basis? (I promise I googled quite a bit before finally asking!) ;)
Lola - not sure - but it seems they are going to do a september issue. hopefully it's not a best of
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