IKEA Launches Fully-Furnished Pre-Fab Homes!
Swedish home furnishings giant IKEA has teamed up with Oregon-based firm Ideabox to launch IKEA’s first line of prefabricated houses in the U.S. called ‘Aktiv’ (Swedish for active). The one bedroom homes are designed to be eco-friendly, built with a fiber-cement siding and corrugated metal. The homes are also furnished with a complete IKEA package that includes TUNDRA maple flooring, PAX wardrobes and ABSTRAKT cabinets. A model of the home was on display at the Portland Home & Garden Show and each unit is expected to be priced at US$79,500. See some slideshows of the home here.
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This is a great idea, would love to buy one so hope they come to the uk! Although, I love ikea but I wouldnt need all the furniture!x
Brilliant - thanks for sharing this Poppytalk!
Rebecca, I think they'd come across more issues in the UK since planning permission is so uppity here. But who knows...maybe we'll see something like this soon :)
Oh, I'm so in!
This is so FASCINATING! What great prices -- I think they are darling.
That is so interesting!There houses look so much better than our pre-fabs here in the US...
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