Tip-Top Pitch Kit by Miss Modish

Jena from Miss Modish has created a downloadable Pitch Kit recently that I thought was worthwhile mentioning to any of you who may be in the business of pitching your wares to blogs.  It's all the insider pitching know-how that Jena has learned from years of experience on both sides of the pitching fence- as both design blogger and PR rep- with insight into both side's perspective. Plus she interviewed 25 bloggers (including me) for their opinions/insight into how to get your product mentioned online. I just read my copy (and learned a few things myself) - so I definitely recommend it as a helpful tool to help market your work at any stage in your business.  Click here for more info.

Jan Halvarson


Dawn said...

It's an awesome kit! I downloaded it, read it...and I'm already starting my "research" and planning my submission letters :)

Anonymous said...


Kelly Lynn Jones said...

awesome, great idea Jena!