Dispatches from Portland: Tender Loving Empire

Contributor post by Andrea of Hula Seventy

Hello from Portland, Oregon, friends! Today, a look at one of my favorite downtown shops, Tender Loving Empire.

Tender Loving Empire is a record label, retail consignment shop, screenprinting studio and gallery focused on supporting local art and music. Awesome, yes?

The shop is filled with all sorts of goodness, including these postcards by Betty Turbo.

Loving these terrific mixed media crayon pieces by local artist Jessica Vrendenburg.

But I think my favorite part of the shop is the cardboard city on the ceiling.

So, should you find yourself in downtown Portland anytime soon, hit up Tender Loving Empire. Totally worth the stop, friends.

Jan Halvarson


Unknown said...

sweet, I so want to visit Portland one day. if not for the art, music, and Portlandia - well ok, for all those reasons and the woods. the wooods (excellent this post, thanks!)

Anjelica T. said...

Completely fell in love with this store when I was there! I think 80% of my Portland souvenirs came from this shop.. I couldn't control myself, haha. If I ever move out there, it would definitely be a regular on my hitlist! x

Francesca said...

great pictures! :)

andrea said...

thanks so much, guys! so glad you enjoyed my post and photographs! such a fun one to do! :)

Rosa @ Flutter Flutter said...

This place looks fabulous! I'm trying to decide between visiting San Fran or Portland in May with girlfriends... hmm. :)

Brittany said...

what a fantastic shop!