Mini DIY Round-Up

Sweet DIY votives from Fellow Fellow

 Pebble painting and drawing tools from Magamerlina (via craftzine)

How to grow succulents in a jar by Elisa McLaughlin

Fun with Plasti-dip via Rikkianne Van Kirk

Jan Halvarson


Keri said...

This post is just plain FUN! Love all these really creative ideas where plain things become amazing!.....and they are so do-able!
Thanks for the post.

Blace said...

Thanks for sharing all of these. I've actually been seeking info on succulents in a jar and the bit on the plaster looks just too fun.

Anonymous said...

I want to go to Goodwill RIGHT NOW and plasti-dip trinkets the same colors as my old map in my kitchen.

Danielle Hardy said...

Thanks so much for the post!!! Im for sure going to try some of these out :)