Dispatches from Toronto: Studio North at IDS

Guest Contributor post by Renee Elliott of Eat.Live.Shop

Brothers Dressler installation featuring custom light fixtures.

I was lucky enough to spend a couple of days at the Interior Design Show (IDS) this week and I left each day feeling super inspired. My favourite part of the show was the Studio North exhibit which supports the independent design scene. There were 60 Canadian and international designers each featuring one offs and custom collections.

Carroll Street Studio exhibit highlighting their Wharton collection made from salvaged fir and walnut.

Atelier 688 exhibit featuring their original Manila rope lights and Contact Voyaging Co’s paddles.

Atelier des Cent-ans exhibit highlighting their furniture and porcelain objects.

The designers in the Studio North section of IDS are full of creative and unique ideas. My favourite item? That painted cherry branch from Carroll Street Studio!

-Renee Elliott

Stay tuned for more IDS coverage!

Jan Halvarson


Vivi said...

these are amazing!!!! xx

Tim said...

Great round up of the show! These are my favourite pieces too! Hope you could join us next time!

Lindsay said...

Thanks for sharing! Very unique pieces... I hope to make it out next time.

Ellie said...

Nice pictures, the show looks inspiring. I am going to try to go this weekend.

Great job for a first post

RealtyqueenTO said...

Love your selection of designs you chose to post, it's very inspiring and creative. I also checked out your blog and I have fallen in love!!! Consider me your new follower!

Nicole29 said...

Some very cool and unique pieces there!! Love the Atelier des Cent-ans exhibit!

Nicole29 said...

Just checked out your blog...love the recipes and DIY pages!!

Zane said...

great ideas here

minglee said...

This is the second time I have read your blog and I find you have some very intresting and unique things ,sorry I could not see the show but maybe next time, I will keep reading your blog to see what else you find .oh your recipes are cool

Alyssa said...

Love the Brothers Dressler fixtures - amazing!