Video: Be Linen

A short film about linen - amazing stuff. Via Orling & Wu.

Jan Halvarson


Unknown said...

Wonderful to watch, thank you so much for sharing.

Mo said...

WOW! I love that they've kept most of the production on site in Western Europe.

Pinecone Camp said...

A beautiful video to showcase a beautiful material. I have an whole new appreciation for linen now!

Cammy said...

What a wonderful look into the history and production of linen. It makes me want to go sew something with my linen stash.

Sarah said...

Thanks for sharing this. I've just gotten around to watching, and it was fascinating. I love how many time they referred to it as a noble material. Beautifully shot.

Jan Halvarson said...

Isn't it amazing stuff ladies? I have a complete new appreciation for linen now too!