Happy New Year!

By theonlymagicleftisart

It's the last day of the year and we just wanted to pop in and thank all of you who visit here. It's been quite the year online and as things change and evolve we are so thankful to be able to blog and thankful for your support! We're going to take a real weekend break but will be back to regular posts come next week along with plans for a most fantastic year ahead! Here's wishing you the best year ever for 2012!

Jan + Earl

Jan Halvarson


Unknown said...

happy new year!

it's always a pleasure to 'pop' over..

kiki said...

Happy New Year for both of you!!!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year !!!!

Kinoui said...

Bonne année à toi aussi !

Unknown said...

Happy, happy, happy New Year!!!

Mandy Behrens said...

Here's wishing you both a phenomenal year, too! You've been an AMAZING venue for me -- thank you -- looking forward to 2012 with you. Cheers!

Christine E-E said...

Have a fabulous celebration & restful time away from blogland!

silverpebble said...

A merry New Year to you both!

TATIANA said...

Happy New Year!

San said...

Happy new year. Looking forward to getting inspired even more in 2012!

Ariadne said...

Happy New year to all of you in Poppytalk! I came to know you through Margie Oomen of Resurrection Fern and the colour week she took part in and have been enjoying reading you ever since and participating in the Colour Weeks too.AriadnefromGreece!

Nika' said...

Thank you.
Have a Shiny and Nice New Year.

Jan Halvarson said...

Thank you ALL!! Wishing you the best year!

Fiona Cartolina said...

Happy New Year Jan! All the best for 2012!