DIY Hanging Herb Garden from Persephone Magazine
Printmaking with Yarn by Steph of Modern Parents Messy Kids on Whip Up!
A hand-stitched card from Freckled Nest
Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
all of these are great ideas! i'm definitely trying the yarn print making thing one of these chilly nights, as well as the hanging herb garden :)
love love this post ... such cute simple & fun ideas to try. & so happy to be introduced to the messy parents blog! happy tuesday :)
Those cards are adorable!
Love it!!! Cute ideas- love the button on the envelope :)
Thanks so much for featuring MPMK's yarn printing project!
Oh I love that print making with yarn idea! Would be fun to try on fabric also...
What great ideas. Love the yarn printmaking one and the embroidered card.
The hanging herb garden is the answer I needed to three cats who all like to eat my plants, and a five year old who hounds my basil. Thank you for posting this!
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