Oh So Beautiful Paper Launches the Designer Rolodex

Nole of Oh So Beautiful is launching a new section on her site today called Designer Rolodex. The Designer Rolodex is a curated direc­tory of wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers – each member is hand selected by Nole based on the quality of their work. Each designer represents one of the most tal­ented, inno­v­a­tive, and unique design­ers in the wed­ding invi­ta­tion com­mu­nity. Read­ers can browse indi­vid­ual designer port­fo­lio pages, or search for design­ers based on style, print­ing method, or location.  A bit of background about the Designer Rolodex idea:

Nole fell in love with wed­ding invi­ta­tions while plan­ning her own wed­ding in 2008.  She started Oh So Beau­ti­ful Paper just a few months later as a way of help­ing other brides and grooms con­nect with all the amaz­ing wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers that she dis­cov­ered through her own research and explo­ration.  The Designer Rolodex helps accomplish this goal by putting her favorite designers all in one place!

Congrats Nole! Visit The Designer Rolodex here!

Jan Halvarson

1 comment:

Constantly Constance said...

Swoon! I love stationary, it is officially an addiction. I love writing letters to my friends and family so I have an excuse just to buy more!