Little Arrows
Loving these images from October's issue of Country Living Magazine paying homage to Native American motifs. Check out that wallpaper (above); Tapestry - Zuni by Cavern Home (um, must have) the fun jewelry (necklace from Old Hollywood Get Moxie Kid; earrings from Spartan) and the Pendleton Native Throw for Edie Bauer (bottom). Photos by Christopher Baker.
(Related: Today I'm taking a southwestern field trip at Babble finding heaps of little arrow goods. Check out my finds HERE).
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I love how graphic and unexpected that wall paper is! Also love the red and black blankets - really cozy.
xo Allison
Spicer + Bank
Love those arrows...would be quite easy to make a similar diy piece of art...pinning!
The blanket is cute. Something unexpected.
i love all of this!
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