DIY After and Before: Deceptive Dust Covers
I've been realizing as of late that I should be calling my "before and after" posts "after and before" - due to the fact that, I much prefer seeing the after first - I think it's a better leading photo to present the post with. Coincidentally today after a tweet invite to pop over to see a "before and after" - it was presented the way I always present mine - with the after first. Hence my post. How cool are these "deceptive dust covers" by Hydrangea Girl? And she makes them all by hand and even shares how to do it yourself. (An after and before DIY)! Bonus. Check it out here.
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The new covers look great!
Wow - big difference! Great covers :)
Wow! Those are amazing! Love them.
Such a difference, they look fantastic! xo
What a smart decorating idea!
One of the girls here in our office is notorious for ridding her books of dust covers. We gotta admit that they do look nice lined up on her desk sans cover.
Thank you for the wonderful comments! I'm so utterly beyond flattered. I don't think it has set in yet that my post is on Poppytalk ...
And for the record - I amended my before and after posts to read as 'after and before' - it just makes so much more sense!
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