Happy 125th Birthday Vancouver!

To celebrate our city's 125th birthday today, a list of a few of my favourite things here:

Museum of Anthropology (architecture/museum/location)
The Sylvia Hotel (architecture/history/location)
The Marine Building (architecture)
Museum of Vancouver (history)
Stanley Park (location/seawall) 
Spanish Bank (location/beach)
Main Street (shopping/food) (South Main/SoMa/Mount Pleasant area) - not to miss The Regional Assembly of Text, Eugene Choo, Latitude
Granville Island (location/market/shopping/food) - not to miss La Baguette et L'Echalote Bakery,  Emily Carr University (Galleries) and Paper Ya
Chinatown (history/shopping) and Dr. Sun Yat Sen Chinese Garden
Kitsilano (shopping) - not to miss Plenty and Hip Baby
Gastown (history/shopping) - not to miss Old Faithful and  Inform Interiors
Also check Poppytalk's Vancouver Shopping Guide

Go to celebratevancouver125.ca for more info on today's celebrations!

Jan Halvarson


Michelle Clement said...

Yay, Vancouver! :) Yay for great crafty shops, too - and Paper-Ya. Oh, Paper-Ya!

Kate said...

I live in the interior (of BC) and every time I go to Vancouver I discover something new I love! So far my favourites include main street (for urban source, the regional assembly of text, and front and co), granville island (for cute cafes and paper ya), and kits (for paboom and many other shops I don't know the name of!). So much fun! What a great city!

Suzy said...

I once was in Vancouver on holiday, I loved the city and really want to visit it another time.
Congrats to all the citizens:) !

That tune is too funny ...


Amanda said...

Happy Birthday Vancouver!
We may head down to some of the celebrations later today.

Paper Ya is one of my favourite stores here too. I also love Orling & Wu in Gastown.

A fabulous Vancouver faves list, Jan!

joy said...

what perfect timing! i'm taking my boyfriend there next weekend for his very first introduction to vancouver. thanks for the list of good things! any suggestions for fancy tasty indian food?

Meg said...

Reading this list makes me miss Vancouver -I went to all those places when I lived there 5 years ago. A great city with so much to do!

Annika said...

Happy Birthday, Best City In The World! My favourite thing to do is sitting in the sun on Jericho Beach, looking at the skyline, the water, and the mountains.

Noémie said...

I'm a new follower and was sent over by one of your readers and I'm so happy she did! I'm moving to Vancouver from Toronto and have been having a hard time finding great vancouver based blogs so this is a real treat. Thank you!!!!!