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Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
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ooh love that handbag!
love that bag!!!!
I loved the hat and great picture. Did you use photoshop for putting the images together?
A Cup of Sparkle - i made it at polyvore.com - they give you all the tools on their site to make this. no photoshop needed!
love the bag and dying over the shoes, oh how I wish I weren't 6ft tall, I would rock those in a heartbeat!!!!
Amy - and i wish i was 6 ft tall.
Another one for team handbag!
yes for the bag!!
Love the bangle! great ensamble!
xo Allison
I'm loving that bag (along with everyone else)!
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