Call for Entries: 1,000 Paper Graphics

Contributor post by Will Bryant

Good news folks! Public School  will be curating and designing the next book in Rockport's '1,000' series: 1,000 Paper Graphics. For those unfamiliar:

Paper graphics can encompass everything from self promotions to greetings to specialty mailers to posters that use unique and special print processes, folds, papers, and more. 1,000 Paper Graphics will provide a wealth of tactile ideas for a variety of paper projects. Rockport Publishers wants to celebrate your design in 1,000 Paper Graphics.

Selected pieces will be featured in 1,000 Paper Graphics, a full-color, 320-page, 9x9-inch hardcover book brimming with great design. Slated for publication in the spring of 2012, this volume will present creative, top-notch paper graphics.

The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2011. Click here to learn more about submitting your work.

Jan Halvarson

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