Link Love: Happy March!

A new month, another new lovely desktop (above from Christiane Engel).
Canadian online magazine, Covet Garden has a new issue out today!
Humunuku is having a little giveaway this week.
A sneak peek at March's Livingetc
How To: Make a Memo Board from Upcycled Wine Corks via curbly
Inspiration:   Tokyo signs
DIY bolo tie
Can't wait till summer to pick this up!
Last day for submissions to our Mad March market at ! It's a shorter exhibition month, therefore less money! $43 newcomers, $33 for returnees! Click here for details.

Jan Halvarson


Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Thanks for the link love, Jan! Moving day tomorrow - currently surrounded by dust and boxes!

Jan Halvarson said...

Will - oh good luck to you!

Sara LeeAnn said...

Happy March, indeed! I don't know why, but February felt like a punch in the mouth. Super-pretty desktop design!

Zoe said...

Wowo how did it get to march already! not that i mind as its my birthday month.


meg said...

so much going on! the new desktop is lovely, thank you.

Vintage Home said...

Wow...great links..Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thanks, and Happy horsey March! :o)