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YES! Please :)
pourquoi pas ! yes good idea and... thanks a lot for your blog, I really enjoy visiting you ;)
Yes, yes, yes! Those are fabulous!!!
Love those!! Of course you should blog a little fashion! ^_^
Absolutely! Throw some fashion in here once in a while. Those shoes are awesome!
Hmmm...I thought I left a comment.
Oh good golly, I want a pair. By all means, please keep us informed of such wonders!
so cute! i'd love to see some fashion posts every now & then :)
i view fashion, craft and home decor all intertwined. cool shoes!
fashion is part of design. and it's your blog. love these shoes!
do it!
You bet! I love them too! I think I could actually walk in them too.
Whoa, love those!
I love reading blogs created on the other side of the ocean and it is great to see their fashion posts too. So yes a bit of fashion is good. I love the wedges by the way.
yes for fashion! there are no rules... and I love seeing everyone's fashion sense! these are super cute, btw!
must haves for sure. and another yes for fashion.
Gorgeous, yes please.
yes, fashion :)
ok - i'm all excited! fashion!
yes please, more fashion! Lovin these shoes!
With jems like these... bring it!!!
Yes, bring fashion in!
Love these shoes.
oh my gosh I saw these too and want them oh so bad!! [umm and the rest of their shoe collection please]
yeah..why not..a little bit of fashion never hurts!! xx meenal
Oh, yes. Fashion. Please. BTW, I've found much great art thanks to your blog.
Ugghhh I've been searching for these in my size e.v.e.r.y where! Nobody has a 6.5 :( I wanted them for my bday...Need Supply says they could ship in June...fingers crossed!
I want these.
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