You Look Lovely Today

A poster I think I will get to replace my mirror. This sweet design has been screen printed by hand onto a quality thick recycled card. The flecked light brown card is rigid enough to prop up on display without the need for a frame! For more info, visit Keep Calm Gallery or click here.

Jan Halvarson


Erika@placebolife said...

so cute, think i should get a dozen of those and send to all my girl friends :)

Peace Love & All Things Creative said...

aw every woman needs this.
love this :)

MaryBeth said...

I feel better already :)

Melissa at said...

I LOVE this (and your idea :))


Melany said...

I love it. I need one :-)

Alexia Ruggles said...

Crazy! This quote was in my little note book of sayings I wanted to cross stitch! I love it!