Weekend Project: Postcard Display turned Photo Display

How unique and fun is this postcard display turned photo display? Found in the March issue of O Magazine, New York designer, Peri Wolfman thought up this brilliant display/storage solution for her photos that were taking over her table space all over the house. Love it don't you? Can you imagine it with some vintage black and whites?

Jan Halvarson


Aprendeconvale said...

LOVING IT!!! such a great idea and you can change the pictures as your mood changes... brilliant!

HereBeDragons said...

Cute! 'Course, I don't have a postcard rack!

Emma at The Marion House Book said...

Great way to show all those old photos that usually end up in boxes somewhere!

Craftcherry said...

Wonderful idea! Now I just need to get my hands on a postcard rack!

Laura said...

That's awesome idea! x

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

Jan, I just tore this out of that magazine a couple of days ago! Such a clever idea, and so much easier than putting together an album.

Jan Halvarson said...

Eva - thats funny! I guess we think alike!