Kitchen Oh Kitchen Where Art Thou?

Martha Stewart - Maidstone Purestyle (Fortune Cookie)

While I've been looking for kitchen ideas (we're still not there yet), I often think of the space looking in as a visitor.  You know how some people's homes have that feel where you really are comfortable and you don't feel like leaving?  I want that feeling for our kitchen; where friends will drop by for coffee and love coming back again and again.  I've been saving clippings of things I like for the past year now, and what I've been noticing is my tastes are starting to change from a more modern look to a more industrial/country feel.  Is it you dear internets having that effect on me?

Yesterday I dropped by Home Depot to pick up some paint and happened by the new Martha Stewart Kitchen collection. And as much as I thought I was more of a modern kitchen person I was really impressed with the quality and styles of some of her more country-themed cabinetry. I loved the chunkiness of the open shelving (did I just say I liked chunky)?  As well as the bases and the darker hardware (as seen in their Maidstone photo above). I'm thinking maybe mixed with a more industrial setting (like cement floors, darker walls and less of a matchy matchy look - by changing the colours - that is upper shelving vs bottom or island vs main cabinets), these styles could work with what I had in mind.  The price point ($192CAD - $215/linear ft ) is much higher than we were thinking , so maybe I'll only be able to buy the shelving and hardware for now, or even mix it with something lower, but her collection nonetheless really got me thinking.  What do you think?  Please feel free to leave some links to favourite kitchens you like.  I'd love to see or hear about what you like.  xo Jan

P.S. Speaking of kitchens,  and totally different:  I loved loved the darker (black tiles and black cabinetry) at the IKEA's booth at IDS11 last month.  Did you see?  Here's a link to their facebook page - and I'll leave an image at the very bottom of this post. Maybe I could mix the two? (That is, IKEA lower cabinets, Martha Stewart upper shelves and hardware)?  Would it work? 

Martha Stewart - Ox Hill Purestyle (Ocean Floor) - love the chunky open shelving

Martha Stewart Workroom - Home Depot - love the pegs for hanging things

IKEA at IDS11 (love the black tiles and black wood) - link to see more

Jan Halvarson


Glass Horse Ranch said...

Jan, I have to say when I was doing my kitchen I really wanted one of those sinks, but couldn't afford it. I think the contrast of the dark counters and light in the photos is beautiful, but I did lay navy blue tile. A mistake. The dark color shows everything. All dust. Lovely if I could keep it up, but I live in the country in an old house. A friend put down a cement counter in cement grey and I love it. Maybe that would be a consideration. Make sure your counters are up to holding the weight though. I have dark cabinets though and they are great.

Anonymous said...

that black kitchen is great but feels too cold to me. good for display but not very inviting. in our row home kitchen we opted for mid-to-dark all wood cabinets with orange marble flooring and a BRIGHT yellow paint. makes the appetite kick and it's fun while still being classy looking.

Anonymous said...

love the look of the ikea kitchen, although as a shortish person reaching those pots and pans would be problematic for me :)

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick said...

that kind of kitchen sounds wonderful. Somewhere you can hang out with friends and family. I love exposed sink. I can imagine bathing my babies in it :)

Jan Halvarson said...

Glass Horse Ranch - thanks for the tip with the dark tile. i never would've considered that. i'm sure you kitchen looks nice though. must come see your blog to see if you have any photo's there.

Jan Halvarson said...

ZAPOLdesigns - oh your kitchen sounds fun!

Jan Halvarson said...

Melissa - me too - never knew they were so heavy - but yes a baby would look very cute in one of those!

Angie said...

Thanks for sharing these images - I just took down a cabinet and have been contemplating open shelving (among other things! - my sanity included!)...I love the MS Kit in fortune cookie because of the black accents- and the IKEA kit because of the black base cabinets- I think the "chunky" shelf and the black bases could be very cool together - that tile in the IKEA display is so nice!

Miz said...

I am definitely loving the Martha Stewart Collections and their country cottage feel, but the black from IKEA is very bold and dramatic. I love them both!

Jan Halvarson said...

Thanks Angeline, it's so hard to commit to something like this. i think because it's not really returnable and is so much money.

Gina said...

I just put up a post about our DIY kitchen remodel on Crows N' Squirrels yesterday. It's a mix of found items, the old bottom cabinets and some Ikea thrown in. It took us a year as we had never done a remodel down to the studs before. We have a few cabinet doors to finish up, but it's 90% there. It's like having a baby, you forget the pain of it pretty quickly when it's over.

Loris Glassworks said...

Love the potting and flower arranging table. I'm going straight to Home Depot to get a quote. This would make a nice work bench for my studio. Thanks for sharing!

Jillian said...

Jan, I have found my tastes changing in a similar way to yours. I am currently redoing our kitchen with more of a cottage feel. I think it really appeals to people on so many levels. I suggest you check out Sarah Richardson's website, specifically the kitchens from her Sarah's House shows. She did Ikea cabinets but combines them in ways that make them look totally custom. She also has the panels and doors sprayed custom colors. The price is right and the sky is the limit in terms of creativity if you take that approach. I think you could easily have a carpenter make similar shelves for a lot less money as well - or create something just as nice with stock wood pieces then have them sprayed or paint them yourself.

Jan Halvarson said...

Oh Gina! I'm clicking on your link now!

jenni o said...

I'm in the midst of a remodel, and should have my new cabinets by tomorrow! I too have grown tired of the all white kitchen trend and did a mix and match...dark floooring, natural cherry lowers, light granite, light backsplash, and white uppers. Everyone thinks I'm a bit mad, but I do think it will turn out and can't wait to see it! On a side note, I thought I would go with IKEA or Home Depot for price, but I actually found a custom cabinet guy that was price competitive and had awesome design ideas. Make sure you look around!

C said...

Such gorgeous kitchens. I am always, jealous our pint size kitchen needs a make over!

Anonymous said...

Oh, lovely! My favourite part is the butler sink - I want one so badly!!!

TorIA said...

Like this? :

Kitchen sinks said...

This blog is very good and efficient with what it does. You give detailed explanations on your posts which make people to understand.Kitchen sinks is a part of home decorations.

chele said...

I also love the Martha Stewart fortune cookie collection. Does anyone know the name of the wall color that in the pic?