A Is For Apple: Olivia & Jeremy's Country Charm Wedding

Part four of Coco Cake's wedding themed cake posts for Poppytalk!

Olivia and I had a great email back-and-forth discussing her and Jeremy's wedding cupcakes... we finally decided on APPLES! Not apple-flavoured cupcakes... but dark chocolate cupcakes with vanilla buttercream, all dressed up to look like cute and modern apples freshly plucked from a cartoon tree! A perfect wedding cupcake look for a country charm wedding, complete with a barnyard reception on a lovely sunny day! Olivia was such a sweet bride, and what a gorgeous couple to boot. Nothing makes Coco Cake happier than providing a lovingly designed and delightful-tasting display of cakes for an excited and sweet couple!

Additional photos of bride and groom by Red Letter Photography.

Jan Halvarson

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Johanna said...

Oh, so lovely!! Beautiful pics!! :)

KKvinneblogger said...

Very fun pictures from a wedding! :)

Cez said...

great pics!!!! Love the way they took those pictures!!!!!
and the apples....just want to have one!!!

Rosy said...

These are SO beautiful! I love those apple cupcakes. Too cute.

katek said...

wow...wonderful pics! and those apples are great!

Kiti said...

Very original, simple and beautiful wedding. Love the photo with the bike:)

Coco Cake Land said...

Yay to cuteness, yay to love! I had a blast guest-posting these past few weeks... thanks again jan!! xoxo

Marlene Martins said...

moments of love :)


Pinecone Camp said...

Man, those are cute cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Love the jumping shots!