Why should your plants stay at home? That's what Atlanta-based Colleen Jordan asked and why she subsequently designed these adorable wearable planters! Carry a sprout, a succulent, or a flower you found on your morning walk.
Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
oh my i love this!! thanks for sharing!
I'm sorry, but that is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen! Hahahahaha.
Are you kidding me??? This is AMAZING!
Gale - so cute right?
Anon - are you back? hahahahahaha!
These are so bizarre! Pretty cool, though.. great conversation starter.
Dang it, sorry! I pressed the wrong button.
These are so bizarre! Pretty cool, though.. great conversation starter.
Ha, that was me!
That is so cute, but maybe not practical? Fun idea though!
I have never seen anything like this!! wow!
I love seeing something totally new.
Julie - me too!
Oh dear! this is very cute, but as Lisa said, maybe a bit unpractical
Well whoever said there's no new ideas obviously hasn't seen these. Amazing!
OHHH WOW! That is so original!! Great stuff!!
i actually said out loud "that is one of the stupidest things i've ever seen" before i spotted anon's comment. and i don't take it back.
em - well if everyone liked all the same things - we'd all be boring. so i'm glad you aren't taking it back.
: )
This is super creative! I can honestly say I have never seen anything like this before. Very fun!
This is definitely the most unique necklace I've seen in awhile!
x Hilary
ah! this is so cool!!
I love the idea, but I'm not sure if I could rock this look. Hmmmm.
I like it! It's so funny and unique! But I will not wear it, but It's a funny idea for a joke.
This is absolutely a Perfect place to plant a Tree..It looks so innovative,interesting and i feel great to such a Lovely idea... http://www.vivamagonline.com To be honest this is superb cool blog...Let me share this with my friends..
Omg! this is such a crazy, funny, stupid and yet genious idea! haha, I love it!
omg, this just took my breath away!
These are amazing!! Thanks so much for sharing.
I am in love with your daily inspiration poppytalk :) xx
Thank you Lisa!
I love your blog. This idea, however, I do not love.
That is just clever! I love it.
♥ Jas
so cute
Oh wow, how could a sweet little sprout/herb/plant inspire so many negative comments? What does practical have to do with it? It's not like you sleep, shower, and go jogging with the thing on. It's a necklace!
It's absolutely vibrant! I love it. :)
LOL this is so cool. Not my cuppa tea. It reminds me of a girl I knew. When we were younger she was conviced that putting eggs in her bra's would make them hatch.. It's like gardening round your neck isn't it.. I am so going to share this in my next blog post.. It's wild, bizarre and absolutely so much fun.. I would wear one, maybe not doing something dramatic like mountain climbing, but I am sure i could find the right occassion to fit it in.
Yep thumbs up from me!
I have to agree with Rachael above me.. it's not like you'd wear it to sleep or to go swimming! I think it's an adorable, unique idea to wear on occasion and hang in front of your kitchen window when not on your person. :)
I'm always babbling on about the awesomeness of jewelry containing plants, but these necklaces are perfect examples of what living jewelry should look like!
i'm pretty sure if i could put my sprig of lavender in it i'd be the happiest silly girl in town...
reading the comments brought almost as big of a smile as the post itself! you're right, jan, if we all liked the same things, the world would be incredibly dull.
i personally think these are awesome. and i know i'd feel a lot less guilty killing a teensy mini plant in a pendant than i do when i kill the nice big plants in my house :P
I'm just not sure about it. BUT I can totally see some starlet rocking this and starting a new craze. It certainly is a unique and interesting idea!
Fun to read all these comments - and Lesley - so true - I'm not much of a green thumb either.
I think there very cool!
As soon as I saw these posted yesterday, I sent the link to my mom and sister - both big gardeners. They loved them. It surprises me that people think they are dumb, but I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea. They would definitely be a conversation starter!
two words: hippy dippy. creative? yes. silly? yes. Would i wear it? NO!
Molly - that's funny! Like i said on twitter - I think these would be perfect to wear to a garden party!
: )
I think they're lovely. I've always found the old fashioned vase pins made to hold a tiny flower charming, and I love how this is a modern update to the concept.
Whenever I'm trying to grow a plant I usually end up with fruit flies or a small worm....that wouldn't be so cute around my neck! ewwww!!
innovative :D, love the idea
This is an amazing idea! So totally creative!
Oh, georgeous! How smart :) But it's hard to find thet small plants :)
Magnifique idée ! Fantastique ! J'adore !
Is that asparagus.Lol
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