Sunday Reading: Print Magazine {Previews}

I've been treating myself to digital versions of print magazines as of late. But you can also just preview them. Some show the entire magazine. They are mini pages or a limited amount of full pages but there are also a few free magazines at Zinio if you sign up for an account. Just click on free when you're at their site. Here's a few favourites.

Jan Halvarson


Unknown said...

I have this issue... it's a good one!

martha brown said...

I subscribe to the digital version of Living Etc -- I just love that I don't have to wait forever for it to show up in the stores here! (I'm in Canada)I especially love that I can carry many many magazines with me when I travel --- on my ipad!!! I kind of miss being able to cut them up and use them in collages though...

Janelle said...

I feel like I spend too much time staring at my computer, so real old fashioned magazines are a nice break for my eyes. And like martha said, it's great to be able to bust out the scissors and do some real life collaging for inspiration.

Jan Halvarson said...

martha - me too. they usually seem to get here a month behind, so it's nice to get it right away.

janelle - couldn't agree with you more, but sometimes if you are here, it's nice to just access it for inspiration. they both seem to have a place in my heart. : )

Michaele Sommerville said...

Wowzer! Eye candy eye candy eye candy! So glad I don't always have to leave the house to catch up on my favorite magazines! Thanks for the link.


Rachie @ A Chi Chi Affair said...

Such a great idea and this was a fab issue!
Rachie xo

Cassie said...

Just want to say that I am LOVING your 2010 most influential posts!! There is so much goodness there!

Jan Halvarson said...

A Serenade for Solitude - Oh awesome!

Cybelle e Fabi said...

Love the blog!!!Please visit our blog

Xoxo Cybelle & Fabi

Anna @ D16 said...

I didn't know LivingEtc is available for digital subscriptions now! Oh, yay. That saves me an enormous amount of hassle...

Kitchen fitter in Faversham said...

I rather browse the paper version of this titles but I sometimes can´t get the french one near by, so thanks for remind me to look at it online, possibly one of the top interiors titles n the world!!
Regards from London.