Off to the Greenhouse!

I'm off this morning to meet up with a friend for a coffee and trip to a greenhouse!  She had a great idea to maybe bring spring home a little early!  Hoping to bring back some pictures (if the light cooperates).  Sun, where are you? (Pssst! I hope she brings me a piece of her coconut bread)!

Jan Halvarson


elissa @ faucethead said...

sounds like a great morning. i'm with you though, sun?! i miss you!

Live an ArtLife said...

In keeping with spring-goings-on, Me and my children started clearing out our garden yesterday, feels invigorating to get my hands back in the soil!

Anonymous said...

There's still snow on the ground here but spring feels a little bit closer when people start talking about gardening. Can't wait to see what you find!

UpGemini said...

friend + coffee + plants + possible coconut bread? I am jealous! :)
photos, photos please!!!