Link Love & Top Five!

Crochet Monogram Pennant - Free Shipping to U.S.

I don't know about you, but for me, this week blew by! I'm off to find some fun "weekend project" to post about, but thought I'd stop in with a few fun links for the week; starting with this crochet monogram pennant. How awesome is this? The lovely Sue Eggen of Giant Dwarf tweeted about it today, and I'm now completely smitten. I'm also sort of wishing I was in Toronto today for IDS11. I'm really looking forward to Michelle's coverage she'll be bringing us here on Poppytalk soon; but in the meantime I live vicariously here. Check out this wicker on acid! In case you missed any of these posts. Our top five of the week:

1. Artmind Tutorial No. 1 - Polymer gift tags
2. Real Wedding No. 2 Leah + Corry
3. *New* Dr. Martens Satchels!
4. Real Wedding No. 3 Erica + Abrahm
5. It's Here! Our Valentines & Wedding Lookbook

More links:
Want to join a brown owls group?
Sibling Design Celebrities & Canadian Premiers
A few new online magazine issues: Rue and Pure Green Living
How I'd love to go to this workshop
Speaking of workshops, there's still time to Get Your Paint On!
And have a fab friday!

Jan Halvarson


Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Great links! Loved your wedding lookbook!

lesley [smidgebox] said...

i, too, am living vicariously through tweets about IDS11 ;) i am going to plan on going next year, it looks like SO much inspiration + design goodness all under one roof. sigh.
love that crochet banner too, so cute!

Angela Ritchie said...

Thank you SO much for the mention. Yes, the workshop is going to be great! Would love to have you join us sometime and check them out.