Inspiring Interior - Stockroom (Victoria, Australia)

Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! Janis here, from Pine Cone Camp, coming to you from Australia. We've been staying with my in-laws, in Kyneton Victoria, and checking out all the great new shops and restaurants here. Thought I'd share one with you.....

Stockroom opened about 6 months ago and has been a popular place to head when looking for just about anything. They showcase Australian designers and makers of fashion, jewelry, ceramics as well as vintage homewares and furniture. What I really love about this shop is all the inspiring details in the look of the space. 

 I could live in the change room. Love the mix of the simple plywood structure with the fabulous wallpaper.

Perfect use for all those lampshades you might have kicking around.

Little light boxes are a great way to display a collection of vintage jars and bottles.

A display of clouds, butterflies and birds created from vintage plates. Pretty adorable.

If I could only afford to have this shipped home. Love it.

I think I see a feature wall of plywood in my future.  This area of the shop is also the seating area for their pop-up cafe (below).

Winnebagel (love that name) is the cafe located at Stockroom. Good coffee and treats while you shop. My obsession with tiny caravans continue.

If you're in the Kyneton area, you have to visit Stockroom and all the shops and cafes on Piper Street. A one hour journey from Melbourne, and well worth the trip! Bye for now.

Jan Halvarson


Unknown said...

love the pseudo thrown together vibe of this place; lucky you in 'aus', imagine sunshine eternal unlike here in grey & humid northern france, sigh. best delights for 2011...

moomi said...

i LOVE those cloud, swallow & butterfly plates - made by Lightly, yes? they were on my list to santa ;)

Haley said...

AHHHH! I ALWAYS WANTED TO START A WINNEBAGELO!!!! They beat me to it, I wanted to use that name and everything. Oh well, at the end of the day I guess I'm just glad that there's a winnebagel in existence in the world at all.

Wunderkammer said...

i love the design ideas in this stockroom. thank you for this post and a happy new year 2011.regards juergen

John Morris said...

The Winnebagel looks cool! Wish ya had some inside shots!

Serena said...

Great photos! Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

Thank you for this beautiful blog about us, great photos and lovely comments.
You can join the stockroom facebook page and stockroom blog to keep up to date with the talented artists, makers and designers we are privileged to represent.

lisaroy said...

what a fun place! I'd want to ship everything home! Winnebagel is adorable and I'm loving those plywood walls. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post on Stockroom in Vic. I'm in NSW, several hours drive from there. As you are only down in Victoria now, perhaps you would consider coming up to The Southern Highlands of NSW. We have soooo many antique/vintage stores here and lots of great galleries and cafe's also. I am an artist living in The Highlands. We are a wine/food region and oh so gorgeous to look at. Thanks again. Happy Aussie holidays :)