Bringing the Magic Back: Indie Shop of the Day!

fuzzy felted wool stripey bowl - pink, grey, red, white, and black

Today we're excited to introduce a new feature here on the blog entitled, "Indie Shop of the Day"! This past month as we spoke about how we wanted to help bring the magic back online and if you missed our Sidetrack Cafe series, What Happened to the Magic, it will give you a bit of the backstory as to the steps we plan to take here starting today, bringing a little of that magic back! The "Indie Shop of the Day" is sort of a throw back to our "Etsy Pick of the Day" we used to feature here back in 2006, and it was the stepping stone to our online market exhibition site, Poppytalk Handmade. So today we begin this new feature, which will include any shop (new or old) that we think deserves some attention for a day! Each day we will make a new pick, rain or shine which will be posted on our sidebar for one day.

We're totally excited about it, and if you wish to submit your shop for our "Indie Shop of the Day", just shoot us an email here using the words "Indie Shop of the Day" in the subject line, and we'll be happy to take a look! We're really excited about this first step which is just the beginning of more good things to come. We will soon be offering more "free" services to support the new artist, blogger, shop owner, and can't wait to introduce them to you! Happy New Year!

Jan Halvarson


Susan Schwake said...


Jahje Ives said...

what a great idea - and a cute shop to start it out!

sheila said...

so nice!! love this idea :)

e said...

what a nice idea! i can't wait to learn more about all these cool new shops.

Jan Halvarson said...

Thanks you guys, we're excited too!

Jessika (Oh My! Handmade) said...

Oh I love it! A perfect way to showcase the endless well of fresh talent out there and make some magic happen. I can't wait to see your finds each week!

lesley [smidgebox] said...

nice idea you two! looking forward to finding some new faves in that sidebar :)

Unknown said...

a generous idea as it can be hard to get spotted and started. chapeau...

alison said...

a fantastic idea and a great way to start off the new year!

Jan Halvarson said...

Thanks Ladies!

kara rane said...

gr8t opportunity! & looking forward to all new indie shops to come.
yea artists*

marcie said...

I love this!