Blue Day Summary {Winter Colours Week}
Row 1 mrspao, wendeebird, e. macduff, RaeDay!RaeDay!, la.daridari, Silvia's blips
Row 2 girlhula, girlhula, leslie dill, CrowNology, .j.e.n.n.y. CozyMemories,
Row 3 L. Grainne, Lecia | A Day That is Dessert, Lecia | A Day That is Dessert, janel m, alphabet soup studio / lenore locken, Hannah Oaks
Row 4 Silvia's blips, val smallfry, alphabet soup studio / lenore locken, Indianablue, xanthe berkeley
Row 5 Maggie Marsek, h_malcolm, h_malcolm, la.daridari, ethanollie, ethanollie
Row 6 smidgebox designs, .hello foto, Kiersten Bree, Annelie Willemijn, arty.licious, Mod3rnArt
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I love blue and this an amazing montage of delightful images! So happy to find you!!
Come and join in my Gorgeous Giveaway from Blydesign!
Art by Karena
those are some great blues. i don't think you can ever go wrong with blue.
wonderful collage... I can feel a cold, delicate wind on my face...
and thanks for choosing my pictures, I'm glad my sensations on winter are shared with someone!
Oooh, this makes me feel so moody, it's lovely. Everyone needs to feel blue now and again, even if it's just to remember how great it is to feel chirpy again. Thanks for putting it together!
Ahhhh, one of my favourite colours! This is STUNNING!
I love blue, almost any hue of blue. This is such al lovely mosaic, Jan. Thank you so much for including me :)
what a lovely collection. love blue!
you are spoiling me, thanks for choosing me & my blue gate x.
i know this says winter but I'm thinking SUMMER cool waters!
Wow, I'm intrigued by that amazing looking neon blue ice-cream!!
Thank you for showing love for my favorite winter beach! xo
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