The new year is upon us, and before we gather to ring it in, we wanted to send you our good tidings for a beautiful year. And to help it along, we dug into our archives and found this "sparkling" idea from a guest post by the talented duo Ladies & Gentlemen . Toast the New Year in with an array of tasty mix-your-own cocktails that are guaranteed to get the next 52 weeks off to a good start! Get the recipes!
very lovely and perfect! Happy New Year!
I love the mix your own cocktail idea! Happy New Year to you as well. :)
Happy New Year!!! ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ*
I love the tags. I would like to use these with my nautical birthday party theme. They would be just perfect with a word or 2 and the date and a navy blue and white striped ribbon.
I love the doily. Do they make them? I couldn't seem to find the doilies in the Etsy shop.
I have just nominated you for a stylish blogger award. I think your blog is amazing and have loved following it. To accept the award go to: http://creativecolourfulmusingsoflife.blogspot.com/
Happy Blogging!
Summer - yes i believe they have them made by someone - i would email them.
Creative Colourful Musings of Life - thank you, I'm honoured.
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