What are you wishing for?

Mini Goals Wishlist Chalkboard, Mary Kate McDevitt

As I make my lists for the upcoming holidays, I think of you dear readers! And would love to know, what's on your wishlist this season? What is it you are wishing for? The sky's the limit! Please leave a comment, it would be fun to know a little bit more about you and your wishes!

Jan Halvarson


The Eternal Intern said...

I'm wishing for a fancy new camera! I have been living in Paris for far too long without a good camera to capture the gorgeousness that surrounds me! x Ophelia

Jan Halvarson said...

Oh man! To be in Paris! You definitely need a fancy new camera!

Nicole said...

Me too about the fancy new camera. I am starting to think of a camera as more of a need and along the same lines of shelter, food, and clothing. Also, a Sharon Montrose print. And a ton of snow. Maybe not a ton, but at least enough to build snow forts and snow creatures.

mary kathryn @ mathews family happenings said...

I would love love love a Lisa Leonard necklace with the names of my kiddos on it. Would make my day. Love your blog, btw.

...on the brink of something beautiful said...

cute photo!!
here's my list: http://getthewordsout.blogspot.com/2010/12/dear-santa.html


The Owl Diary said...

I'm wishing for a wonderful 2011, an employed 2011.

As for other things-- I've asked for a lovely peacoat and some Keri Smith journals. ♥

Anko said...

i'm wishing that my artwork will be recognized ant to find publishers and galleries!

Katie said...

I am wishing for a cute, affordable loft apartment to share with my hubby--Really just a place for us to make a home. =)

Wendy said...

my wish list keeps getting bigger now that shannon from whats up whimsy has started her 12 days of christmas blogger wish list series -- my showcase is Dec 7th... fun!

Sarah said...

Wishing for a pendleton blanket! They're so beautiful! But a bit out of price range...

Lisa said...

I'm hoping for a new watch for running, a new handbag from Kinies on etsy, or maybe one of those cool new iPod nanos :)

Danielle said...

For myself, a pair of black boots. My feet get so cold in the winter!


Anonymous said...

Happiness, health and success. That's what i'm wishing for not only the rest of the year, but also for the new year to come.

Unknown said...

A Linus Bicycle with a big basket on front :)

Maria Wheeler, Simply Cool Stuff said...

I am wishing for peace.

kimberj said...

I would love a really amazing new camera. I've done about as much with mine as I can. I'd also love to get another dog as a playmate for our little aussie. Most of all I'd love to win enough money for my wonderful hubs to retire. I love him so much and he works so hard. cou

shellie said...

if we are wishing...well im wishing for more sales so i can finance a trip to tokyo in 2012 and more gertrude jekyll rose bushes...

cori said...

looks like i'm not the only one but i would *love* a newer digital camera. the one i'm currently using is literally falling apart! also i'd pretty much die if someone gave me a box of polaroid 600 film :)