November Desert Friends Desktop Calendar

DesertFriends - November desktop calender
Happy November everyone! Just found another gem of a desktop calendar from London-based illustrator, Christiane Engel's site, I love this illustrator. Her work is rather nostalgic and comforting to me; retro flannel pajamas and children's bedding comes to mind. Visit her blog to download.

Jan Halvarson


Julie-Inspired said...

Love this...and just downloaded it too! Thanks for sharing.

Bantik said...

Great desktop!:>

jacqueline said...

This looks sooo cool! Thanks so much for sharing and happy Nov! Love to you!

mei said...

oooh... lovely!

I have just changed mine to a Nov theme one a couple of days ago, am contemplating if I should use this instead, hmm.... it's so pretty :)

Solomon said...

Beautiful! Perfect for the Fall/Winter :)

You might like this too (and you might get to win a look from the DKNY JEANS Fall/Winter collection)

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for posting my new calendar, Jan! I'm glad you see the retro children's bedding association, too! :D ! Cheers, Ch.