Sunday Reading: Get the Look: Home Decor Edition

Featured on Etsy Home Decor
This sunday's reading (more like sunday looking), but definitely one of my highlights of every sunday, is from Etsy's "Get the Look: Home Decor Edition". Contributer and Etsian, Christine has one the best "etsy curated" posts online. If you haven't signed up for her weekly posts, it's a definite must and you'll never be disappointed. This week her post is inspired by the Atlanta, Georgia home of Yokoo (who probably doesn't need any introduction to most of you). But I'm loving her navajo-themed (and nautical) home and Christine's Etsy finds to get the look. Click here to read.

Jan Halvarson


Laura said...

LOVE this. I love the unexpected mixing of themes, it feel so homey!

Aly said...

I feel like if I looked at her house without being told it was hers, I'd somehow know it was anyway. And that's hard to achieve. Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Oh my... I love the knitted cushions - so beautiful. I may have to show my mum these so she can start knitting me some..!

Craft-Pile said...

Hi...just getting my inspriation for the night :) Yes, Christine rocks. Who would have thought navajo-themed with a splash of nautical could look so good? I love the picture above the amazing!

sally said...

incredible stuff! thanks!