Happy Birthday Lonny!

Taking a break from prepping our Thanksgiving dinner, I'm just stopping by to browse the October|November anniversary issue of Lonny magazine which is out today filled with their signature eclectic looks that we've come to love. Care to join me? Click here to browse.

Jan Halvarson


My Owl Barn said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I am off to Lonny now!

Christine {bijouandboheme} said...

I just took a break from our Thanksgiving festivities to look over this new issue as well- so many inspiring images- I'm totally smitten with that pink and orange bedroom:)
Happy Thanksgiving!

Jess said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you also! Makes me wish we could celebrate here in the states... I can't wait another month!

Lady Grey said...

I love it, so many inspiring goodies in there!
Happy Thanksgiving : )

lesley [smidgebox] said...

so good, i browsed it yesterday with my morning coffee! i love the photos, so much goodness to drool over...

Pinecone Camp said...

I can't believe it's already one year! I kind of wish it was in print as well....I need it for the flight tomorrow ;)
Hope you had a lovely thanksgiving. I'm kind of uncomfortably full at the moment. Ahh, stuffing.