Fresh From the Oven: Andrew + Natsuko

Contributor post by Will Bryant

Andrew Indrisie and Natsuko Pursell are creative couple that share a studio in Portland, OR. Both are studying design at PSU and have quite an impressive portfolio of dynamic design work under the name Andrew + Natsuko. They have several branding projects that are fully developed and showcase strong typography skills and sophisticated color palettes. Hope you like what I've selected for Poppytalk!

More from Andrew + Natusko:
- Portfolio
- Andrew's flickr
- Natsuko's flickr

Jan Halvarson


Kickcan & Conkers said...

Love these, especially the fortune teller!

Jitternhbug said...

I love the color story on angela's academy. Cute perfection. Is it just me or does the Mican logo vaguely resemble the (now non-existant) clothing store Martin and Osa logo.

Jennifer said...

Jitternhbug, it's not just you... I thought the same thing. Though I do love their work!

Trish said...

Loving the colors! So cheerful and fun!