1. English Essay; 2. Nouvelle Vague; 3. Black Hawk; 4. Easy Heraldics; 5. Table Air Lamp; 6. Kavaler Kursive
Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
I love that name, Nouvelle Vague : )
I downloaded English Essay but (please excuse my ignorance)what do i do next so that I can use this font.
Thank you !
Anon - here is a link that tells you how - http://www.dafont.com/faq.php#mac
YES! I have such a font addiction, and I love all of these. Thanks for the links!
Ooooh, Nouvelle Vague is lovely! Thank you for sharing!!! Off to ask them about a commercial license. :-)
Is it just me, or does Kavaler Kursive looks exactly like Marketing Script?
These are great Jan! I really like Easy Heraldics.
Lovely. Thanks for sharing. I really like English Essay because that's what I secretly wish my handwriting looked like.
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