Rental of the Week: Off-Grid itHouse, Pioneer Town, CA

Recently listed in the Los Angeles Times as one of the best houses of all time in Southern California, this Off-grid itHouse is powered by solar panels for energy and hot water, and is located in a remote valley in the California high desert (Pioneer Town, CA).

As mentioned on it's page, "the house observes key green principals of smaller footprint, minimal disturbance to the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape, use of renewable resources, and living simply and minimally".

Perfect for design or green aficionados, writers or those needing a secluded getaway. $350 USD per night. Click here for more information.

Jan Halvarson


Felicity said...

Stellar home, how about that fireplace!
Am off to have a closer inspection, those plumped up pillows look might inviting.

Pinecone Camp said...

Gulp. I want this house. Wouldn't it be great to be "off the grid"?
Have a good weekend Jan!

Jess Youngsma said...

I'm so happy Pioneer Town is being featured. I'm from Joshua Tree, so it's nice to have the desert get some recognition. That house is pretty fantastic. xo


The desert is a wonderful spot to dry out. This spot looks like a mirage.


Fiona Cartolina said...

This really is fantastic - I love it completely!